Assessments are often the expected conclusion to a course, class or training program. However, that same expectation has often led to generic question types, summative testing and delayed feedback. Assessments should be used as a way to ask learners to demonstrate what they’ve learned, and...
As a learning and development professional, you juggle a lot of demands and a lot of stakeholders. Keeping your training projects running on time can be overwhelming. Deadlines loom, new projects get approved, and it's easy to feel lost in a sea of projects and tasks. That's why our latest release...
Synapse Feature Update: Custom Best Practices
Lumi Adewumi
We've rolled out a new version with exciting changes, features, and improvements!
We've rolled out a new version with exciting changes, features, and improvements!
We've rolled out a new version with exciting changes, features, and improvements!
We've rolled out a new version with exciting changes, features, and improvements!