According to Deloitte, less than 6 percent of L&D leaders believe that their teams have the necessary capabilities to provide mobile learning or to use MOOCs, simulations, audio, or video effectively.
'Millennials are not lazy,' writes TalentCulture Founder and CEO Meghan Biro in a recent article in Entrepreneur magazine.
Why Learning Initiatives Drive Employer Branding
Why you should want to work for us, and not them.
According to Harvard Business Review, the term employer brand has been around since the mid-1990s. Employer brand denotes an organization's reputation as an employer, as opposed to its more general corporate brand reputation.
Learning programs only succeed when everyone buys in. Naysayers -- perhaps a senior finance person or an employee with a bad attitude -- can stymie such programs and need to be dealt with -- the sooner the better.
Dealing with WIIFM
Getting employees to embrace training can be as fun as herding cats.
Adult learners often ask, 'Why do I have to do this?' or more likely, 'What's in it for me?'
Synapse® was founded on the simple premise that all too often, companies fail because the collective knowledge of their in-house professionals goes uncaptured and unnoticed.