Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics, often in non-game contexts, to engage users in solving problems. It's essentially the concept of applying game-design thinking to non-game applications.Game elements can include rounds, stages or levels, simulations, the collection of...
What Is eLearning?
Elearning is the delivery of training or education through digital methods. Both the content and delivery are digital, generally accessed via devices or platforms of the learner's choosing.
With today's global and remote workforces, elearning is often the only training option available, as...
What Is a Subject Matter Expert?
A subject matter expert (SME) is a person who has special skills or knowledge on a particular topic.
In the L&D space, an SME usually refers to an employee who possesses expertise that is crucial for the development of learning experiences from which other employees can benefit.
What Is ADDIE?
ADDIE is an instructional systems design framework that many instructional designers and training developers use to develop courses.
The five phases of ADDIE—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation—together represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building effective...
Among the key factors that are core to the success of any business endeavour is the growth and development of their employees. There is no debate that learning is a major building block for the growth and development of employees.
The Pocket Guide To Instructional Design: Merging Data, Science, And Social Knowledge To Develop Modern Online Training
How can Instructional Designers use analytical tools to improve eLearning design? In this article, I share 6 tips to merge data, science, and social knowledge to develop modern online training.