One basic assumption in Learning and Development organizations for the last 15 years has been that you need specialized instructional designers using specialized authoring tools to build specialized learning content. What if that assumption is not true? What if the majority of the time you don’t...
Are you ready for the shift to curation?
Synapse® CLO Series features interviews with current and former Chief Learning Officers and senior learning professionals. We are pleased to share the results here in our blog.
Synapse® CLO Series features interviews with current and former Chief Learning Officers and senior learning professionals. We are pleased to share the results here in our blog.
Synapse® has recently kicked off a series of interviews with current and former Chief Learning Officers and senior learning professionals. We are pleased to share the results here in our blog.
Synapse® has recently kicked off a series of interviews with current and former Chief Learning Officers and senior learning professionals. We are pleased to share the results here in our blog.